Bio Image

Personal Details

  • Last Name: JONES
  • First Name Middle Initial: KENNETH
  • Nick Name:
  • Street:  1012 GOODWIN DR
  • Country &State:
  • City: PLANO, TX
  • State: 
  • Postal Code: 75023
  • Phone: 972 424 2147
  • E-Mail:
  • Spouse: Ora Lee O'Brien Jones
  • Age when entered service:
  • Age first entered:
  • War or Conflict: WW11
  • Theater of operations: ETO
  • Year:
  • Branch of Service/s: Army Air Corp
  • Years Served:
  • Date of Discharge / Retirement (circle):
  • Highest Rank: new_value
  • Military MOS (Job Descriptions): Ball Turrent Gunner
  • What military medals received: Silver Star Legion of Merit Distinguished Flying Cross Bronze Star Meritorious Service Medal w/1OLC Air Medal w/1SLC Army Commendation Medal Air Force Commendation Medal Purple Heart w/2OLC AF Presidential Unit Citation AF Outstanding Unit Award AF Good Conduct Medal w/4OLC Army Good Conduct Medal 2/6BL American Campaign Medal EAME WWII Victory Medal Army of Occupation, Germany National Defense Service Medal w/1BS Korean Service Medal Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal American Defense Service Medal Vietnam Service Medal 2/1BS United Nations Medal Prisoner of War Medal
Military Bio:

Kenneth Lee Jones He was born in Coxton Kentucky on 4/19/1923 and he died 12/10/1998. He was the only child of John and Inez Jones but was raised by his paternal grandparents after his mothers death, when he was 10. He is survived by his Wife Ora Lee O'Brien Jones, they married on 7/12/57 in a small town outside Fairbanks Alaska. He has 2 children, Lisa Jones Mowry born 10/23/59, she lives in Austin Texas and Cecilia Jones born 5/21/61 she lives in Plano Texas. Kenneth joined the Army Air Corps (predecessor to the Air Force) on July 4, 1942. He completed basic training at Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indiana and was eventually sent to Bassingborn England as a ball turret gunner on a B-17 bomber with the 91st Bomb Group. He retired on April 1, 1975 after 33 years of service. He was the last enlisted World War II Prisoner of War, with continuos service, to retire from the USAF. He flew 17 missions before his plane was involved in a midair collision with another B-17 which resulted in his capture on August 12, 1943. He has been shot 7 times, on 3 different occasions, as well as sustaining a broken back in the plane crash. He was held at Stalag 6G, Dulag Luft and Stalag 17B. He went down over Gelsenkirchen Germany in the Ruhr Valley. He made 2 unsuccessful escape attempts from Stalag 6G. The first was unsuccessful because he was headed in the wrong direction, towards Berlin and the second because he reached the Rhine River and could not swim, he was also on crutches at the time. After these 2 attempts he was sent for 2 weeks of interrogation to Buchenwald, the notorious concentration camp, he was then sent to Stalag 17B in Kerns Austria. He was a SSGT at the time of his capture. He was a Prisoner of war from August 12, 1943 to May 31,1945 when he was liberated by the 3rd Army and taken to France and then home. He promptly re-enlisted. He is also a Veteran of the Korean War and Vietnam conflict. He retired as a Chief Master Sgt., an E-9. He has a Bachelor of Creative Arts degree from Dallas Baptist College in 1978. In a newspaper article written about him in the Plano paper it in 1986 he was asked who the 4 people he would most like to meet were. He listed my great, great, great, great grandfather, Titus Marshon; he was in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and General Patton. The article also asked if he could change places for 1 day with anyone who would it be and he replied no one. He just liked being himself. Past organizations that he belonged to include the American Legion Post 321, the Plano VFW, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Captain in the Texas State Guard, Adjutant in Chapter 91 of Plano DAV, Commander of the North Central Texas Chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War, Director of Claims for American Ex-POW's, National Service Office for American Ex-POW's and cochairman of the Ex-POW's Advisory Committee for the State of Texas. The following is a list of the majority of assignments but does not include all; Jefferson Barracks in Mississippi, Harlingen Texas, Salt Lake City Utah, Boise Idaho, Alamogordo New Mexico, Selina Kansas, Topeka Kansas, Tulsa Oklahoma, West Palm Beach Florida, San Antonio Texas, Waco Texas, Langly Air Force Base in Virginia, Fairbanks Alaska and Overseas he was stationed in Cuba, Georgetown British Columbia, Earkar South Africa, French Morocco, Bassingborn England, Korea, Manila Philippines, Vietnam and West Berlin Germany.

My Message to Future Generations: Kenneth's Messge would be, Take one day at a time and just enjoy being yourself.

Post Military Occupation

  • Age when captured: 20
  • Date of Captured: 08/12/43
  • Place captured: Gelsenkirchen Germany
  • Camp/s held: Stalag 6G, Dulag Luft and Stalag 17B.
  • Date Released: 05/31/45
  • Prisoner-of-war status: Liberated
  • Date of DEATH if deceased: 
  • AGE at death:
  • Died In Combat:
  • Died from complications of combat wounds:
  • Describe below Survivors Include: