CLIFF GAMBLE – American hero (Died April 2, 1999)Medals: Bronze Star, Purple Heart with 3 Clusters) French Court-De-Guiardea, P.O.W. Medal, ETO with 2 Battle Stars, Victory Medal, Good Conduct Medal. After having been engaged is a fierce hand-to-hand battle Cliff was severely wounded on his left arm and hand. He continued shooting, however, until he passed out and was later captured by the enemy. Refusing to work for the Germans, he was beaten repeatedly by guards. He escaped and was recaptured three times, and spent weeks at a time in solitary confinement. He survived a forced 85-mile forced march across Germany. Cliff was 6’ 1” when he was captured and 85 pounds when he was liberated. Cliff Gamble served as Chapter Commander in the American Ex-POW’s in North Carolina, and after he moved to Florida he was elected as Chapter Commander of the Barbed Wire Seminole Chapter where he served for several years in the ‘90’s. Later, he served as Senior Vice Commander, Chapter Chaplain, and assistant Service Officer until he died. In fact, with the help of his wife, Martha, he filed a claim for and Ex-POW just three days before he went to the hospital for the last time. The American Ex-Prisoners of War motto, “We exist to help those who can not help themselves,” was exemplified to its fullest by this valiant soldier.
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CombatVets Network a Division of LovedOnes Inc.
Contact Tom, Text at 1.727 421-1360
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