Rudolph (Rudy) Guerrero - Born Los Angeles 05-02-25 - Inducted 10-08-43 into USAAF. Basic Training Buckley Field Colo. Gunnery School Kingman Ariz. Crew Assignment and Destination at Lincoln Neb. Left New York on Troop Ship for England. Assigned to B17 493rd BG 860BS Debach England. I was assigned as 1st LT. Bisaro's Ball Turret Gunner . At the time Lt Bisaro and Crew went on Flak Leave so interim I voluntered to fly on six other Missions which I flew as Tail, Ball Turret and Toggler. My Seventh and First Mission with Bisaro after crew returned from flak leave we were shot down over Munster Germany , bailed over Holland captured by Germans taken to Frankfurt Germany for Interagation then transported by rail in Box Cars to the North Eastern part of Occupied Poland the small town Grostvchow then marched to Stalag IV and incareted until 2-7-45 when we started Approz. 500 mile March across Germany ahead of the advancing Russian Army. That year was recorded to be one of the coldest winters, we marched from sun up till dusk, through snow etc. where we would sleep in open fields, forest or barns . Many POWs included myself suffered Frostbite and Dysentry etc. There was little food. We liberated by the French Canadian Tank Corp. which happened to be my Birthday 5-2-45.Returned to USA on Troop Ship then assigned as a Supply Sgt. at Santa Ana CA. Discharged 10-29-45, with the Rank of S/Sgt. Presently resides in Murrieta with wife Peggy .
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