Jack was a World War II vet that served in the European Theater of operations with the Army Air Corps. Jack served as a navigator with the 376th Bomb Group, 5l4 Bomb Squadron. He was shot down on his 3lst mission over Marburg, Yugoslavia on October l4, l944 at the age of 2l. Jack was held prisoner in hospitals because of severe injuries sustained in the plane and after bailing out. Jack spent 8 months in a body cast until liberated 12 days after the war in Europe ended. He retired as a Captain in l947 for reasons of disability. He is a member of 10 veterans organizations, holding leadership positions inseveral. Jacks first wife Barbara and he had 3 children and seven grandchildren. Since l99l he has been married to Phyllis. He received the Air Medal with five clusters, Purple Heart, POW Medal, ETO Campaign Medal with 7 stars and the Victory Medal. Jack used the GI bill to finish his education and is a distinguished alumnus of Lakeview High School, Jacking Community College and Albion College. Jack was employed by Kellogg Company for a total of 43 years chiefly as an executive in Industrial Relations.
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CombatVets Network a Division of LovedOnes Inc.
Contact Tom, Text at 1.727 421-1360
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