Cecil S. Holliday born July 5, 1924 passed away Thursday, May 20, 1999. He graduated from Austin High School and volunteered for the Army Air Corps in June 1942. Durin his distinguished military career he served as a ball turret gunner on the B-17. Patches was shot down on the second Schweinfort raid, October 14, 1943. Cecil was a POW in Stalag XVII-B. He also flew with the 390th BG(H), 8th Air Force on thirteen missions. Cecil is survived by his wife of 51 years, Dorris Lovin Holliday; two sons, John and wife Barbara, Bob and wife Judy; sisters, Margaret Jaques and husband John, Valla Lee Britton, Ruby Stewart and husband W.D; brother Paul Holliday, Jr. and four grandchildren, Sean Holliday, Nicholas Holliday, Scott Holliday, Christa Ingram and husband Earl. He was preceded in death by his mother, father and sister Gladys Meadows. He attended the American River Junior College, Sacramento State College in Sacramento, California and the Baptist Theological Seminary, Rushlicon, Switzerland. Cecil was a retired Southern Baptist minister serving churches in California and Texas. He was a Chaplain for the Department of Texas American Ex-Prisoners of War for seven years, a Commander from 1989 to 1990, and National Director from 1990 to 1991.
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