Justin R. Jones, born May 17, 1918. Enlisted in U.S. Army Air Corps April 2, 1942. Preliminary training at Maxwell Field, AL, Door Field, FL and Shaw Field, SC. Advanced training at Turner Field, GA. Commission 2/Lt., received pilot’s wings February 16, 1943. B-17 Transition Training at Hendricks Field, FL, Combat Crew Training at Euphreta, WA. Further training at Redmond, OR and Walla Walla, WA. The crew went to Kearney, NE to pick up their B-17. After landing at Bangor, ME the plane was named “Broadway Rose”. Flew from Bangor to snowy Goose Bay, Newfoundland, then to Reykajavik, Iceland. Next stop Prestwick, Scotland. August 17, 1943 assigned to 384th Bomb Group, 546th Bomb Squadron at Grafton-Underwood Air Base, England. September 3, 1943 on mission to St. Andrede L’eur, France, had engine trouble. Hit secondary target. Flak over Le Havre forced us to ditch in the English Channel. Entire crew safe. Picked up by German launch. Most of P.O.W. time spent at Stalag Luft III, Sagan, Poland. January 28, 1945, transferred by foot and boxcar to Stalag 7A, Moosberg, Germany. Liberated April 29, 1945. Degree in Accounting, Ohio State University, December 1947. Married Irene (Tony) Irvine 1948. One married child Rebecca(Mrs. David K. Stewart), two grandchildren(Brian and Lori). 1983 retired as Accounting Manager, Dept. of Physical Facilities, Ohio State University. Now residing in North Ft. Myers, FL. Life member of American Ex-Prisoners of War, DAV, Stalag Luft III Former Prisoners of War. Died of heart disease in Ft. Myers, FL on 2/07/2002, buriel at Arlington National Cemetery Mr. Jones crew: Front row L. to R. - Lt. Jones, Lt. McManus, Lt. Wolfrom, Lt. Peters. Back Row L. to R. - Sgt. Smith, Sgt. Leith, Sgt. Kuhl, Sgt. Hitzeroth, S/Sgt. Reilly, S/Sgt. Shemanski.
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CombatVets Network a Division of LovedOnes Inc.
Contact Tom, Text at 1.727 421-1360
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