Bio Image

Personal Details

  • Last Name: LAZAR
  • First Name Middle Initial: CALVIN
  • Nick Name:
  • Street: 
  • Country &State:
  • City: MARCO, FL
  • State: 
  • Postal Code:
  • Phone:
  • Spouse:
  • Age when entered service: 01/01/1942
  • Age first entered:
  • War or Conflict: WWII
  • Theater of operations:
  • Year:
  • Branch of Service/s: ARMY
  • Years Served:
  • Date of Discharge / Retirement (circle):
  • Highest Rank: new_value
  • Military MOS (Job Descriptions): DRUGGIST
  • What military medals received:
Military Bio:

I was in the 7th army 103rd inf div-410 reg-2nd bat. As we approached the Rhine river it started shooting at us. We could not find the gun until one day a American pilot saw the train backing up into a tunnel at dawn. The gun was hiding during the day in the tunnel and coming out at night shooting at us. We captured it the next day. I am standing on the gun 4th from the left. The first guy on the left was my fox hole partner-Bernard Bobbitt who now lives in Georgia. The photo was taken by my former fox hole partner Bert or Bertrum Sanders son of the movie start George Sanders who was married to Za Za Gabour, who was made division photographer after he and I escaped from the Battle of the Bulge-I guess his dad used his influence to get him off he front line. Germany had two Railroad Guns like this, one was in Russia and the other was on the Rhine river. I think this is the same gun at Anzio called Anzio Annie. The gun is in a military museum in the US. We were in the 7th army-landed in southern France Marseilles-in October 1944. Went into battle at St Die in France. Our unit fought in 4 countries-France, Germany, Austria, and Italy. We fought in 6 major battles and liberated 6 concentration caps. One month R&R in Innsbruck after we captured the city. We were shipped home in June to prepare for the Invasion of Japan. After we dropped the atom bomb and the war ended we were discharged.

My Message to Future Generations: Attended University of Michigan after the war and got my pharmacy degree at Ferris College. Retired in 1992 after 40 years of pharmacy. Now spend6 mo in Michigan and 6 months in Florida. Have 2 children Edvard and Nancy and 4 grandchildren.

Post Military Occupation

  • Age when captured:
  • Date of Captured:
  • Place captured:
  • Camp/s held:
  • Date Released:
  • Prisoner-of-war status: Liberated
  • Date of DEATH if deceased: 
  • AGE at death:
  • Died In Combat:
  • Died from complications of combat wounds:
  • Describe below Survivors Include: