Sidney (Red) Miller, was born May 5,1915 in New York. He died 2-22-99 in Roseville Ca. He enlisted in the RCAF in 1941.As America entered the War, he transferred to the AAF.As an American and a Jew, I have to fight Hitler. He graduated as 2nd Lt in 1942, Albany Ga. receiving his navigator wings. He married Barbara in September.
He flew submarine patrol duty over Florida before he and his B17 crew flew from Homestead to Dakar. His crew likes to tell the story of his navigational skill. We landed in Dakar from Belem with 18 mins. fuel.They continued on to Thurleigh, England as part of the 8th AF,306th Bomb Grp and the infamous 367th Clay Pigeon Squadron. In his own words, going on raids was scary but thrilling for young, foolish
and brash American boys.
While on a raid to bomb the Erlewerken Works In Antwerp,he was shot down over Holland April 5,1943. He parachuted ,32,000 ft, from the burning B-17,landing in a dike and was injured. The occupying Germans captured him taking him to Dulag Luft in Amsterdam, where he spent 16 days in solitary. Finally, he was
transported by boxcar to Stalag Luft3 in Sagan, where he spent the next 2 years.
He was the Education Officer. Because he had claustrophobia,he did not work down in the escape tunnel, but instead, sat outside, reading a book which he closed as a signal to stop digging when any of the goons approached.
Though the Germans knew he and others were Jewish, there was no over action against them thanks to Col. Clark and others who prevailed with the Germans to protect them.
The following words from one of his closest Kriegie friend sums up what it was to be a POW.
Sid will always be appreciated and loved because he was a true friend during our time in Stalag Luft 3. For me, he was like a mentor. He seemed so sophisticated and experienced. Of course, we bitched all the time about everything that POW life.We all had deeper fears which often surfaced after bedtime, when we found it easier to talk in the dark were realistic enough to know that the war would end and there would be a winner and a loser. Our greatest fear was What if the Allies lost. and we would never see our home and families again. But Sid never doubted an Allied Victory and always said so. I recall his answer when, now and again someone would challenge him How do you know His stock answer, always in a firm voice was,I don't know That's why God gives us faith.
Bob Kennedy
On January 27,1945, as the Russian were approaching Stalag Luft 3, they were given 2 hours to march 600 miles south to Moosberg,Stalag 7A. During the bitter cold of winter they marched the first 100 miles,finding food or shelter wherever they could. the infamous Death March from Stalag Luft 3. The final 500 miles was in closed boxcars, without food, standing in filth.
Moosberg, the final destination held hundreds of Russians, and others and Americans and British in filth, lack of sanitation and all the other horrors. Gen Patton entered and liberated the Camp April 1945.
Sid and Bob Kennedy and others hitchhiked and crossed over the German border at Rheims on his birthday, May 5,1945. As they showered downstairs at the Schoolhouse at Rheims, the German Generals were surrendering upstairs. They hitched a ride on the Redball Express and were in Paris as Gen. DeGaulle entered a free Paris.
He did receive many, honors and was promoted to 1st Lt. The one distinction he cherished was being a member of the Caterpillar Club (for those whose life was saved with a silk parachute).
During the years from 1945 to retirement in 1989, he was active in Real-eEstate, both locally and active in State committees.He believed in giving to the community and as such he was active in the community, despite the physical toll of those POW years. He was charter Commander of the Jewish WAR Veterans,President of Kiwanis and Toastmaster and President Rest Estate Boards,active in Veterans Affairs,speaking before school groups about WW2 and POW.
As the family grew with 2 sons and a daughter there was family , and eventually grandchildren and religious participation. The bond that developed among Kriegies is awesome, even after 56 years.
However, the POW years took their toll physically,despite which he maintained his humor accepting his burden and loving his country even more than ever.
This story was submitted by his loving wife Barbara Miller.
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CombatVets Network a Division of LovedOnes Inc.
Contact Tom, Text at 1.727 421-1360
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