LEAVE US NOT BE BITTER Autobiography By H. Alan Walker The true account of how a WWII Army Air Corps bombardier was raised, educated, trained, fought, wounded, captured and survived. His B-24 was shot down while bombing the Ploesti Oil Fields in the Balkans. This incredible story of capture and life as POW of the Nazis and Bulgarians takes place as the Balkan front was collapsing. As a Prisoner of War this wounded 2nd Lt. H. Alan Walker ultimately survived torture and physical abuse and torment only to return back to the Balkans as an American witness against war crimes committed by the enemy. This incredible true story weaves a detailed With fellow POWs this Flyer had found his way back friendly lines amidst civil war, advancing Russians, retreating Germans after being abandon by his capturers. It weaves an incredible story of torture, war crimes and survival and the ultimate journey of 100s of POWs to friendly lines only to return and witness against the Balkan and German war criminals. Then escaping again from the brutal Russians as they proceeded to hand out the Stalin doctrine as cold war was beginning. Digital Book Reviews By CombatVets Editors
One of the best authored books from WWII we have ever read!
The Real life story of a young man growing up in mid America farm country, comrades in arms, combat, capture, survival, and ultimate revenge at the end of WWII and the very beginning of the cold war. Exacting details of flying B24s to combat. This story is written by an unsung hero H. Alan Walker and never told till now. Alan, a young 2nd. Lt. bombardier who survived being shot down over the Balkans, survived deplorable conditions and torture with his cunningness, survived to point out his tormentors for justice. Details never before told of a classified secrete mission before the end of the war. This mission was to indict German War Criminals at the Balkan Front before Berlin fell. Who was the enemy, the Germans or the Russians? Was the U.S. Mission used to enact Russian instant revenge? Read Walkers story and decide for yourself.
Read about General Hall's Secrete Mission and 37th birthday party with Marguerite Higgins famed War Correspondent on the Balkan Front. Read how ruthless the Russians were to the Germans and sympathizers and how the American mission members fled in fear of their life's.
Something for everyone! Tom Twitty CombatVets Managing Editor
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